
Pediatric Chiropractic

Pediatric Chiropractic care is one important aspect of keeping children functioning at their optimal level. Using Chiropractic adjustments to keep the spine in line will allow the body to adapt to the everyday stressors that children will encounter, from falls to poor posture at school.

Infant ChiropracticChiropractic care also boosts the immune system which is so important for children, especially once they enter school. The nervous system and the immune system function hand in hand, when the nervous system is stimulated with the Chiropractic adjustments it stimulates the immune system.

Since the pediatric spine grows the most during the first 6 years of life it is best to start your children off right by maintaining a healthy spine.

Chiropractic care will address any misalignments that can occur to the spine and correct them before they become a problem. Most children will receive adjustments once to twice per month depending on activity level, this type of care is best described as maintenance care or wellness care, they are not "suffering" from any problems at the current time.

Using gentle techniques especially for children, Chiropractic is a drugless approach to health that is effective for infants, children, and teenagers. As the saying goes, "As the twig is bent, so grows the tree".

For more information, please view our brochure here on chiropractic care during pregnancy.

Common Pediatric Conditions Treated

  • •  Ear Infections
  • •  Bed Wetting
  • •  Scoliosis
  • •  Headaches
  • •  Colic
  • •  ADHD
  • •  Sports Injuries

Call for an appointment with Dr. Trevey today at (720) 851-2475.